Laser Gum Surgery - Nashville & Brentwood, TN
Basic Steps of the LANAP® Protocol

The Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP®), the laser gum surgery used at Nashville Periodontal Group, is one of the highest quality treatments on the dental market today and offers a number of benefits over traditional treatment. The procedure is relatively painless and minimally invasive. Gum disease, such as gingivitis, will be removed from the tissue without the use of a scalpel. There is no cutting or stitching of the gums. Laser gum treatment has six simple steps:
• Before the procedure begins, you are first given a local anesthetic before a small fiber is placed between the tooth and the gums. This is done to measure the depth of your periodontal pockets and determine how much loss of attachment has occurred.
• Then the first pass of the laser is performed. This will specifically target and remove bacteria and tissue infected by gum disease, such as gingivitis. The laser is not absorbed by bone or healthy tissue.
• The laser itself cannot remove calculus from the tooth, but it can make it easier to remove. At this point, ultrasonic scalers are used to remove the remaining calculus.
• The second pass of the laser is done. This time it will stimulate the bone and surrounding tissue to promote regeneration. This is how laser gum surgery can help save teeth that would have previously needed removal. Also during this phase, the laser will make the blood become sticky so that it forms a tight seal around the tooth and creates a safe environment for healing to begin.
• Then the tissue is re-compressed against the surface of the tooth to close the periodontal pocket and stabilize the blood clot. Laser gum surgery does not require any stitches to be put in place.
• The final step in laser gum treatment is to check your bite to make sure no significant trauma has been done and then make any necessary adjustments.
It is rare that patients require prescription pain medication following laser gum surgery. You should be able to get on with your daily routine the very same day. If you would like more information about LANAP® procedure in Nashville, TN, contact Nashville Periodontal Group and schedule a consultation today.