From the monthly archives: June 2024
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Teenagers are often at an elevated risk for developing gum disease due to a variety of factors. Hormonal changes, for instance, can increase the sensitivity of their gums, making them more susceptible to bacterial plaque. Their diets, which often include sugary snacks and drinks, contribute to plaque accumulation and decay, further escalating the risk. Moreover, many teenagers have braces, which can make proper oral hygiene more difficult, providing a favorable environment for plaque and gum inflammation.
Exploring Gum Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Consequences
Gum disease in Nashville, TN, also known as periodontal disease, is primarily caused by poor oral hygiene, which allows plaque to build up along and under the gum line. This plaque harbors harmful bacteria that cause gum inflammation, leading to gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease. If gingivitis isn't treated, it can advance to periodontitis, which can affect the integrity of teeth in the long term.
Common signs to wa ...
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When it comes to oral health, dental implants in Nashville, TN, play a pivotal role. They are replacements for missing teeth and an investment in restoring functionality and aesthetics. One of the main advantages of dental implants is their durability. However, like any other oral prosthetic, they require proper care and maintenance.
Common Issues with Dental Implants
It's not uncommon for dental implants in Nashville, TN, to degrade over time. Issues might stem from wear and tear, incorrect fitting, or insufficient oral hygiene. For instance, inadvertently eating hard foods can cause physical damage, while poor hygiene can lead to bacterial infections around the implant.
The importance of regular check-ups must be balanced. Routine visits allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your implants and step in when there's a potential issue. Early detection of damage helps prolong your dental implant's lifespan and prevents further oral health complications.
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