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Gum Disease
Be aware of the signs and symptoms of gum recession. You may not notice the signs right away as it can occur of time, but everyone should inspect their gums. Don't wait to get treatment if you have a high gum line.
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National Kissing Day is June 19th! Don't let bad breath stop you from smooching your loved one. Get laser gum surgery today to stop gum disease and bad breath.
Look your best on your Wedding day by getting rid of your gum disease. Dr. Akin provides LANAP Laser gum surgery to stop plaque build up and tooth decay.
Gum disease is a real problem that can lead to more serious health problems, so caring for your gums should be on the top of your priority list everyday.
The LANAP® protocol allows the doctors at Nashville Periodontal Group to fight gum disease without traditional invasive treatments. Stop gum disease today!